This company has been operational since 1997. The owner, Tom Cilluffo, has been in this industry since 1976. His wine experience is considerable. Tom’s family has been in the wine industry for over 55 years. You can rely on our knowledge and experience to guide you on your tour, for your corporate events, or for any and all your needs.
Our chauffeurs are professionally dressed and always professional in conduct. All employees are party to confidentiality agreements.
We also provide “Driver Only” services – We will drive your car so you can enjoy the added comfort and security that you are familiar with. Let us do the driving when your friends and clients visit and want to tour the wineries. Take the worry out of your plans, and gain a knowledgeable guide in the process!
We maintain a modern fleet of vehicles, ranging from nine passenger Limousines, to executive sedans, as well as Yukon Denali XL S UV’s. All limousines include complimentary water, soda, and full bar service. Champagne is included on tours.
From start to finish, our company is here to help you with all your needs. From one car to several, one customer to an entire group, we will help to insure a positive experience while visiting the wineries, entertaining clients, or just sightseeing.